Sinchi Tribe is a non-profit organization I got in contact with, shortly after publishing my Crossroads issue. Their story really sparked an interest with me and slowly but surely we started talking about joining forces, which led me to be one of their media partners. For which I’m extremely proud.
I talked to Tom Wheeler, the man behind Sinchi Tribe, about what Sinchi is and of course why he is embarking on this adventure. Further down, you’ll also read more about a unique possibility: a photo competition and the possibility to have your work judged by some extraordinary judges. So without any further ado, let me introduce you to Sinchi Tribe and the amazing work they’re doing for indiginous cultures across the globe. Hopefully, they’ll inspire you as they do me. And last but not least, please have a closer look at the photo competition.
All images are courtesy of Wayne Quilliam